Biography Tips
Are you having trouble coming up with ideas?
Are you thinking that you may need to Phone a Friend?
We have listed the ideas below to help you with writing your biography. You don’t need to add all of the items listed in each section and you should feel free to add any others you think of that better suit you. These are simply ideas to help you get your thoughts flowing.
- Marital Status:
- Married/Domestic Partnership/Divorced/Widowed/Separated/Single/Dating/In a Relationship
- How long?
- How many times?
- Spouse/Partner Name?
- Children; biological/step/adopted? (If no children; Nieces/Nephews?)
- Grandchildren or Great Grandchildren?
- Pets?
- Household or other family members?
- Retired; From what job/career/industry? How long?
- Unemployed; From what job/career/industry? How long?
- Still working; Full or Part Time? Title or Industry? How long until Retirement?
- Volunteering; Full or Part Time?
- Caretaker for someone? Who?
- Miliary Service? How long? When?
- Favorite teacher/class/sport/event/etc.?
- Favorite lesson or quote by a teacher?
- Something no one ever knew about you in school?
- Embarrassing moment?
- Funny moment?
- Favorite hangout after school?
- Awards?
- Favorite musical group or song during High School?
- Secret Crush?
- Type of car you drove?
- Hobbies?
- Sports?
- Family Time?
- Trips?
- Reading; Favorite Author?
- Write/Play/Listen to Music; what genre?
- What’s the best part of you day?
- Who do you like to spend time with?
- If still working; What would you like to do when you retire?
- Where would you like to visit?
FUN TIDBIT(S) ABOUT ME: Item(s) NOT related to your Occupation or Career
- Is there something interesting about you that no one knows about?
- Have you been on TV or in a movie, etc.?
- Have you won a large amount of money or large prize in a contest?
- Are you a published author?
- Have you won on a Game Show?
- Have you been interviewed for TV, a publication or a book?
- Have you met, dated or married a famous person?
- Have you experienced a Supernatural Phenomenon?
- Have you lived in an exotic place?
- Do you enjoy a long friendship with a celebrity, famous person or influential person?
- College; degrees or certifications?
- Military Service? How many years?
- Marriage(s)?
- Career(s)?
- Have you won any awards or been honored in any way?
- What are you most proud of?
- Cities/States/Countries you’ve visited?
- Cities/States/Countries you’ve lived in?
- Favorite Trips?
- Bucket List items you’ve completed?
- Bucket List items you still want to complete?
- Favorite quotes or advice you’ve received?
- Who has made a big impact on you and your life?
- Personal challenges you've overcome?
- Personal loss(es)?
- Lessons learned that you would like to share?
- Favorite memories?
- Faith journey?