The Four Stages of a Successful Reunion!
Excitement, Exhaustion, Slumber, Recovery...
Now that the reunion is over what do we do next? Easy, it's time to post lots of pictures and comments on our Facebook Page!
Stand by for more info on how to send in your pictures so we can post them to our website.
Safe Travels Everyone, See you in 2027 for 55!
Class of 1972 Classmates,
Well…the registration deadline has passed. We have a great group of classmates coming to our reunion celebrating 50 YEARS since our graduation.
If you’ve just woken up from a post-pandemic hibernation or just come out of your self-imposed Social Media Fast, let me know. I’m sure I can use my position as your President to get you added to the list if you don’t want to miss out!
So, what’s next for our reunion until the Big Day? Your Reunion Committee is busy wrapping up last minute tweaks to the plans. They are working hard to ensure that a good time is had by all!
What do YOU need to do if you’re coming? All you need to do is make your final preparations to come and plan to “get your Groove on!”. We’ll handle the rest. If you need help with any of your preparations, please contact us by using the Contact Us form on the Class Website. We want y’all to come!
If you won’t be able to join us this time, we will certainly miss you. Please help us stay in contact by doing a couple of things.
First, please complete a Registration form and check the “Sorry, I Can’t Make It” selection. We understand that many of us are “in life transition” and may have relocated or made other preferred contact changes. For that reason, we will use the information from the form to update our records so you don’t miss out on future communications from us.
Also, I’d like to encourage you to submit a Biography. They are a great way to reconnect, especially if we won’t have the opportunity to talk to you in person at this reunion. Please read the ones we have on our class website so far. They will delight you. In fact, I just added mine!
The next time I am blessed to update you on our class happenings; we will have come together, shared a meal or two, talked, laughed…maybe even shed a tear together. More importantly, we will have reconnected!
See you soon!
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